You Are Here : Blog / #77 Beer and A Blow Job with Matt is Released!

#77 Beer and A Blow Job with Matt is Released!

Posted on 12/19/12

A Beer and A Blow Job!This one is from The Vault! Once again Matt's body is outstanding and the same could be said about his cock performance.

I don't know what was more hard, ripped and vascular his body or his dick; an appreciation made obvious by the look in this cock suckers eyes as he stared up at Matt from dick level. #77 is about a Muscle Mafia fan named Jamie who is obsessed with Matt who he thinks is one of the most beautiful men he has ever seen from head to toe. He sent an email to me with his fantasy of meeting with Matt to have a beer and suck a load out of him. The timing was right, the scene sounded hot, Matt was game so I made it happen and it's now #77 A Beer and A Blow Job with Matt.

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